GUN HO: Lynden's Legacy
Is a 2-Part Documentary... FREE!
With nothing but SWAMP land and a DREAM, one man against all odds built a thriving "lake-front" community in Michigan. Discover Lynden R. Johncock Sr.'s amazing story and more in this FREE 2-part documentary (on YouTube)!
Lynden’s Legacy is a 2-part documentary of history, stories, then/now photos and video footage of Gun Ho. Lynden R. Johncock, Sr. got the idea of creating lakefront lots near Gun Lake. He designed an ingenious canal system with 217 lots that today sustains over 100 homes and families in southwestern Michigan . He called this development: "GUN HO."

Follow Phil Johncock (producer) on social media for the latest news:
2-part documentary

The Johncock or “Jancocke Coat of Arms” (on left) has been traced to Salisbury, England. Coat of Arms were granted to a knight or important person and were a Heraldic symbol. They were originally used to cover a suit of armour so the combatants could be identified by the soldiers. It was used in medieval days when most armies were private armies.
Today, the only private army in the United Kingdom is allowed to be raised by the Duke of Athol. He has an army of just a few ceremonial officers and soldiers.
The history of the arms is unfortunately unknown. It is not known who has the right to wear the arms. These things are still taken very seriously in Scotland, and prosecutions still take place in the Heraldic courts.
© 2025 Phil Johncock