Watch the Video to Discover How You, Too, Can Write Winning Grant Proposals!
Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
My friend, Phil Johncock, is the world's top grant writer. Phil gives expert advice on absolutely everything you need to know to write successful grants. He simplifies this complicated world of grant writing, and adds a flare of playful wisdom with a twist of magic ... for anyone associated with nonprofits.
Dr. Jean Houston
best-selling author & speaker
The depth and breadth of the material Phil Johncock offers is as rich as it is practical. ... no one has any excuses left as to why one's project won't get funded.
Dr. Gay Hendricks
Phil Johncock gives a fresh and vital new perspective on the art of writing grants and getting them funded. His ideas are well worth studying. What I really like about his approach is his combination of the metaphysical aspects of manifestation with the essential technical aspects of grant writing.
What you’ll discover in this Masterclass:
Write down this number: $1.2 BILLION! That’s how much students won in grant funding in just 2 ½ years when they applied the proven 4-step system that you’ll have instant access to inside this Win More Grants Masterclass. No more overwhelm! No more confusion! No more failure! Student success rates soared through the roof! Your success rate will skyrocket, too! In fact, you can triple your success rate by simply conducting a "pre-proposal contact" (secret 8) and "mock review" (secret 28).
83% of top grant writers we studied agree … get clear on what you want, first. In Step 1 (Secrets 4-13), you’ll discover how to develop your idea for funding into a fundable plan including these vital topics: Dream Big, Tap Into Your Passion, 2 Ways to Be Original & Attract Funders, Timely Ideas that Attract Funders, 3 Ways to Solve Problems & Attract Funders, 3 Aspects of Compelling Ideas that Attract Funders, 21 Strategies for a Killer Sustainability Plan, Have Your 15-Second Elevator Pitch Ready, Assess The Needs Of Community First, and 8 Basic Sections of a Winning Proposal.
step 2: research funders
Once you get clear on your idea for funding, Step 2 (Secrets 14-22) focuses on finding funders whose ideas match yours. You will learn the best ways to find funders whose ideas match yours, as well as the 4 funder types (i.e., corporations, foundations, government agencies, and individual donors), and the best way to contact funders.
step 3: Customize Your proposal
Once you know what you want and have identified funders interested in funding you, 100% of the top grant writing experts ALL agree that you must customize your proposal to funder specifications if you want to be successful. Step 3 (Secrets 23-28) shows you how to customize your proposal based on funder guidelines including ways to make your proposal stand out.
step 4: respond to the decision
In Step 4 (Secrets 29-30), you’ll learn how to reframe a rejection into a success, as well as the most important lesson of all (and it comes from my mom!). Topics in this section include Celebrate or Transform Your Failure Into Success and If My Mom Can Do It, So Can You.
Check out these sample lessons...
secret 9
click play - video 9
secret 10
click play - video 10
secret 27
click play - video 27
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Claim direct access to the Win More Grants Masterclass with 30 videos (30 secrets) and over 4 hours of video instruction! Complete 4 surveys (completed after watching 7-8 videos) to earn your Certificate of Completion.